DD $BB: Blackberry - The ugly sister that you took to Prom who ended up being your bread-winner when you're going through your midlife crises.

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"Inverse the fuck out of this. It’s another meme waste bin."
"Did I read that right... $4 strike for end of this week? That's nearly a 50% increase post earnings on slumping cyber (their bread and butter) revenue. Truly regarded, even for WSB. This sub has been saying stuff like "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 is the ABSOLUTE low now!!"
"They’ve been a turd forever and will always be a turd. Good was a competitor and they must have decided to combine forces. Too little too late."

Do you know where the fuck you are? By the logic of these comments, $AMD will never recover from their 10 year decline down to $2/share... oh wait. I could come up with other examples but fuck me and fuck you, I'm not your financial babysitter and anything posted in this chat is charity for you plebeian fucks that seem to want info spoodfed into the microcosm that is brain.
This is WallstreetBETS, not Wallstreet-I'm-a-little-bitch-bet. Big boys in this subreddit didn't get big by making conservative plays. They did it by making some absolutely bonkers plays that were high risk and the majority of you smooth-brain fucks can't see.
Goodluck and if you're so adamant on it being garbage, please short or buy puts -- otherwise, suck my chode.

Original post​

Financial Performance: BlackBerry Ltd. ($BB) is on fire, and I mean a big ass dumpster fire. People say, "Blazing a trail of growth and stability as it transforms from hardware to software and services" which is hard to convince investors, or any other financial crowd, given their recent performance. Their latest quarter, BlackBerry reported revenue of $259 million, actually seeing a 10% increase YoY. The software and services revenue, now the core revenue driver, surged 17% YoY to $215 million, which is actually surprising for them. They have a debt/revenue ratio of .3 which is a good spot to be in for leveraging upcoming shifts in the financial space
Cybersecurity and IoT Focus: BlackBerry's strategic pivot towards cybersecurity and IoT is the only reason they're not fucked. Everybody is fucking up your shit and Media keeps hyping the absurdness of scamming lately, and while that's FUD for my brain while I drink my coffee, organizations are doubling down on cybersecurity investments to bolster their traditional cyber-security backing. BlackBerry's cybersecurity offerings, including endpoint security, encryption, and threat detection, are positioned to ride this wave of demand. They have a good point to ride a wave on the regarded Boom of AI if they mention they are able to branch into new AI related protections.
Just to be frank: In the IoT arena, BlackBerry ain't trash... and with the world being digitized more everyday, their market share is not capping out anytime soon.
Partnerships and Acquisitions: BlackBerry isn't just playing the game; it's buttfucking the rules and generating a new set of Uno cards to pull out in a pinch. They've had a few strategic partnerships & acquisitions. BlackBerry is expanding its product portfolio and market reach. Their Alliance w/ Amazon Web Services (AWS) to develop and market BlackBerry's intelligent vehicle data platform, IVY, is a integrated in every fucking car. Good luck getting the fuck away from IVY. Bitch'll make you itch. This partnership not only validates BlackBerry's technology but also opens doors to the lucrative automotive industry, a hotbed for IoT innovations. Their core partnerships include:
Partnerships: Amazon Web Services (AWS): BlackBerry partnered with AWS to develop and market the BlackBerry IVY intelligent vehicle data platform, targeting the automotive industry. Baidu: BlackBerry partnered with Baidu to integrate its QNX technology into Baidu's open-source autonomous driving platform, Apollo. Acquisitions:
Cylance: In 2018, BlackBerry acquired Cylance, an artificial intelligence and cybersecurity company, to enhance its cybersecurity capabilities. Good Technology: BlackBerry acquired Good Technology, a provider of secure mobility solutions, in 2015, to strengthen its position in the enterprise mobility market. WatchDox: BlackBerry acquired WatchDox, a secure file-sharing company, in 2015, to enhance its enterprise security offerings.
Potential for Growth and Innovation: Let's be real -- Blackberry is the gardener, floating face down in the pond while the big boys eat caviar, spoon fed by their advanced AI sex-bots. But, If that Gardener survives, the lawsuit to make sure that he doesn't disclose all the other wild shit they've seen at Steevie McQueefies house, well -- that'd be enough to float this bad boy right back into relevancy, metaphorically of course. At their current financial performance, strategic focus on cybersecurity and IoT, and partnerships with industry giants, BlackBerry is trying to prepare for upwards growth and innovation. As businesses prioritize digital transformation and security, BlackBerry stands poised to capture a lion's share of these burgeoning markets.
Risk Factors: I mean -- we know what the fuck. They ain't been great the last decade: despite its recovering performance, intense competition in the cybersecurity and IoT markets could dampen its growth. Additionally, BlackBerry's fortunes are closely tied to the economic landscape, with fluctuations potentially impacting IT spending by businesses. That being said, These Canadians are going to be the nicest to work with, and will likely not spill poutine on your servers.
General Discussion The discussion around $BB upcoming quarterly report seems to be leaning towards a more bullish sentiment, likely due to several factors, including the company's shift towards software and services, which has always had promising growth. BlackBerry's partnerships and acquisitions in key areas like cybersecurity and IoT have positioned it well for future growth opportunities. Investors may be optimistic about the potential for BlackBerry to deliver strong financial results in the upcoming report, particularly in its software and services segments.
Conclusion: In summary, BlackBerry's transformation, strategic focus, and partnerships have set the stage for a potential journey of growth & innovation. With its current financial standing, competitive product portfolio, and market positioning, BlackBerry is a poised to make your portfolio like three fiddy.
Position: Shares and $4C for 04/05. If everything goes to shit... well -- atleast I'll have a bag for her head later that night...

The Baron of DividendLand

I only have one requirement: income.
> Be investor with $9 average on $BB
> Stacking up shares like a boss
> Last buy wasn't just for the memes, it's strategic
> Does he look like he's playing? Nope.avi
> Holding for the long game, eyes on the prize
> Betting on more than just cars - medical sector's the next frontier
> Looking for that epic return, not here for peanuts
> With all those moves, $BB's future's looking brighter than a supernova
> Hold line strong, gains incoming
> This ain't his first rodeo, knows a diamond hand from a paper one
> Watch this space, anons, we're in for a ride

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